Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund



coins growing plants in the dirt


Your support makes a huge difference! Please consider making a donation to the 

library today to help us continue to provide valuable resources to our community.

 Please see the funds below held at the Findlay-Hancock County 

Community Foundation that support various endeavors at the library.



Community Foundation Funds

     The Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund at the Community Foundation of Hancock County is the preferred vehicle for making larger gifts to the library. Gifts made through the Community Foundation offer the tax advantages of the 501 (c) (3) status. Only the proceeds of the Fund are granted to the library and principal of your gift will be the foundation of a legacy that will benefit library users in perpetuity. Gifts to the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund may be tailored to fit each donor’s individual needs. Gifts are gratefully accepted in the form of cash, retirement plan assets, life insurance, appreciated stock or real estate. Further information about the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund and the Community Foundation is available at 419-425-1100. 


Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund   

     Established 2000 An Act of the Ohio General Assembly established the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library in 1888. The library was first housed in the basement of the County Courthouse before moving to the old Post Office Building on Broadway in 1935. It underwent an addition in 1974 and was completely renovated and expanded in 1991. Gifts may be made to this fund for any purpose. This fund supports the programs, projects, and capital purchases of the library.


Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Fund-Genealogy Fund       

     M. Margaret Foster established this fund to support the genealogy department of the library.


Chuck and Mariann Younger Hancock County Literacy Fund      

     Established 2018- This fund, established in honor of Chuck and Mariann, is designated to support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a free book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to 5 years old regardless of their family’s income. Titles are chosen by a blue ribbon panel of educators, are age appropriate, and have concepts that build upon each other. Mailing books began in Hancock County in 2014. Since then, more than 65,000 have been sent to local children. Chuck and Mariann are both long-time supporters of education through local schools and universities, and other cultural opportunities.


Hancock Literacy Fund  

     Established 2020- The Dolly Parton Imagination Library was launched in 2014 to build early childhood literacy. The Library program provides age-appropriate books, selected by a blue-ribbon panel of educators, monthly to children enrolled from birth until their fifth birthday. This fund benefits The Imagination Library to provide lifelong literacy support to all Hancock County residents.


Paul E. and Ethel H. Allshouse Family Fund     

     Established 2017- This fund was established by Paul and Ethel's daughter Paulette in memory of her parents. Paul was raised in Akron and was a World War II veteran. He was involved in the Chamber of Commerce, the Hancock County Comprehensive Health Planning Committee and the Hancock County Mental Health Clinic. Paul was passionate about education and literacy. Ethel was employed at Firestone in Akron in the 1930s and 40s. She was a talented eggeury artist who attended shows in Texas, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. After moving to Findlay, she became a regular volunteer at Blanchard Valley Hospital and the Humane Society. To honor each of her parents' passions, Paulette established this family fund which will support both the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library and the Humane Society & SPCA of Hancock County.


Read for Life Adult Literacy Fund

     Established in 2008- This agency endowment fund was established by Read for Life, an adult literacy program which provides reading instruction through trained volunteers. The nonprofit organization provides tutors and materials to adult residents of Hancock County to help them learn to read and expand their literacy and other related skills. The organization was established in 1987 and was initially funded by the Findlay Service League. This endowment will serve as a long-term funding source for the organization.


Tell and Opal Thompson Fund

     Established 2006- This fund, established with a gift from the estate of Opal Thompson, supports the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library.



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